Church School

All members of all ages of the church are invited to learn, wonder and grow in the knowledge and love of God in Christ! Christians are good at seeking– how to love better, how to forgive, how to serve Christ in all persons, how do the stories of scripture connect with our lives today.

At St. James, we are an intentionally intergenerational parish– that means that all ages are welcome in worship, and we make special accommodations for the younger ones and their parents or caregivers in our midst as we pray, sing, listen and feast! Noise and movement are welcomed in our services.

We also know that children need a space of their own to listen and wonder about God and God’s stories of love. Church School is offered for ages 3 and up on Sundays (except holiday weekends, and the first Sunday of the month which is our Family Sunday in worship, with a Children’s Sermon and participatory Eucharist). All are welcome to join, whether you have signed up in advance or if you are visiting St. James for the first time.

If you would like to register for Church School, you can find a registration here: Church School Registration Form

Church School begins at 9:15 am in the Parish Hall (across the parking lot from the sanctuary), and rejoins the entire congregation at the Peace so that they may be part of the community’s Eucharist.
Family Sundays, which are the first Sunday of the month, include children and their families as lectors, greeters, acolytes, ushers and oblation bearers. Sometimes the best way to learn about worship is to be a part of worship!

Throughout the year, we have programs specifically for our younger members:

  • Gingerbread Creche-making at Christmas
  • Children’s Bell Choir
  • Children’s Good Friday Service
  • Dog treat making for St. Francis Day and the Blessing of the Animals
  • A Halloween Candy Tithe
  • Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt following our Easter morning service

For more information, please contact our Church School Director, Starr Anderson: