Welcome to St. James Episcopal Church
Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. You can find us at 121 Washington Street in Groveland, MA or on Zoom (details below)
St. James Episcopal Church prides itself on being a smaller, friendly, community-oriented spiritual haven for all who seek God and the knowledge of God’s love throughout all points in their lives. We are not all alike—in religious background, politics, spirituality or demographic! However, we come together to worship the God, who in the person of Jesus Christ, demonstrated how love breaks down divisions and binds seekers of that love together.
St. James was known as a pilgrim—one who valued the journey over the destination. We are a community of pilgrims, experiencing all the highs, lows, and in between points of life and faith. We commit to serving others in the name of Christ, partaking in the Eucharist together and discerning the presence of the Spirit and where she is taking us!
Join us for a service on Sunday, or over several Sundays to see the breadth of who we are and what we believe. We know that we cannot be everything to everyone! But we welcome those who pop in during their own journey and those who come and walk awhile with us. Blessings to you and your journey, wherever it may lead you.